mental health for christian depression


The change of seasons is a magical time for many. Fall is such a beautiful time of year, a time when nature begins to let go of the old in preparation for rest and inevitable renewal. For some however, it can be a struggle with seasonal depression (seasonal depression disorder or seasonal affective disorder aka winter blues) or that antsy funk we can tend to get in. I have found over the years that being intentional about caring for my mind and body helps me to fight the fog this time of year.

Focusing on the character of God and taking care of ourselves physically equips us to better serve the Lord and be effective for His kingdom.


Here are 5 things to do to help you fight well.

Ok, a simple enough list right? If you haven’t learned by now, I love me a good list… and a good verb list at that. Any verb girls in the house? Well, lets dig into these a little bit more.


Rehydrate | This may sound super simple, but you’d be surprised at how this affects our bodies and moods. Staying hydrated is a preventative measure for many health concerns including depression. Dehydration and depression (and seasonal depression disorder) are linked in a number of ways. As temps drop it’s definitely easier for me to avoid drinking water or just forget to drink it all together. Gasp. A couple of facts on dehydration:

So, how much water should you be drinking? You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water per day. (i.e. if you weigh 180 lbs. your water intake should be at least 90 oz.) This means actual water. Not liquids like caffeinated drinks, sodas etc. Your body needs water.


Rest | This is a big one for me, getting enough sleep. Our body needs adequate rest to function at its best. Getting enough sleep is essential to maintain good brain function and hormonal balance. I don’t know about you, but I’d say these are two things us women definitely need working on our side. Sleep deprivation puts us at a higher risk for not only seasonal depression disorder and chronic depression , but also a whole other slew of chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes. It also makes us more prone to poor moods and irritability… You probably already knew that. Having a bedtime routine is the only way I can make this happen. Yes, I have a bedtime 😉 This isn’t easy in our household. I’m naturally an early bird (read: eyes ping open at 5am regardless of amount of sleep) but my husband is a night owl. This makes getting adequate sleep a bit tougher because I obviously want to be up spending time with him, but he and I both know I’m not a nice person if I don’t get my 8 hours. Literally.

Replenish | Eating a healthy diet is super important for mental health as well. I mean, I do love my Reese’s peanut butter cups (the ones with the Reese’s Pieces in them) and Diet Dr. Pepper, but they are no bueno. Real food is necessary (just like water) for our body to function at it’s best. Making sure that our diet is balanced is important as well. Fruits, vegetables, protein and healthy fats all fuel your body well and give it the vitamins and nutrients it needs to function at an optimum level. Also, avoiding processed foods and sugars (ahem… Reese’s and DP) is important. Eating these foods triggers serotonin release giving you a temporary feel-good vibe, but then a later crash. They also encourage hormone imbalances. Replenishing for me also means making sure I’m taking supplements. I personally take a B-Complex with adaptogens, a probiotic supplement, and a multi vitamin. Make sure to always check with your doctor before you begin taking supplements. I also try to get out in the sunshine to get that good ol’ vitamin D.
There is a ton of info out there about the relationship between diet and depression or seasonal depression disorder. If you’re interested in embracing that rabbit trail, I highly encourage you to check out this site.


seasonal depression disorder and winter blues as a christian


Recharge/Reset/Relax | Prioritize self-care. Self-care can tend to get a bad wrap for us Christian women. It shouldn’t. I’m not talking about spending tons of moohlah and hours at the spa or nail salon. Take a little bit of time to do something to renew your soul. Quiet the noise ya know? Get outside, go dig in the garden, take a holy yoga class. Start making you and your mental health a priority. Set an appointment with yourself, a sort of self date. Go sit at a coffee shop alone. I did this for the first time 3 weeks ago and it was life changing giving. Don’t get me wrong, it was super awkward for me to sit at Starbucks alone at 8 pm on a weeknight (I’m not comfortable being alone). I was a bit afraid of getting mugged honestly. But it was SO NEEDED. I read a gardening book, worked on my intentional goal planner Powersheets, read my bible and wrote in my journal; all uninterrupted. I enjoy these things but rarely can do them without interruption or completion (I’m sure you can relate). I came home a new wife and mamma though. Now, I’m trying to make doing this a priority at least once a month, for everybody’s benefit.
You may have to leave your home to recharge. I know I do! As much as I’d love to find a quiet little corner here to refresh, it just doesn’t work for me. They find me… you know who. I’m sure you can relate.

Rejoice |
That’s not always easy is it? I thought I would share a few verses and definitions for this one.

Psalms 35:9   –   And my soul shall rejoice in the Lord; it shall exult in His salvation.

Psalms 118:24   –   This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

Philippians 4:4   –  Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! 

Why do I share these definitions with you? Notice, we find the words exult, hail, bow in reverence and tremble in fear in those definitions. That struck me!

Make a list of His attributes and rejoice in them. Rejoice in the Lord. Look Up. Take your eyes off your circumstances and feelings and place them on Him. Bow in reverence for WHO He is. Post them where you will see them, to remind you to rejoice.

These are just some of my favorite attributes to rejoice in right now. Take some time to rejoice in the very character of who our God is today.

Finally, be sure to rejoice and find gratitude in what IS going well in your life. Healthy kids, financial provision, clean drinking water, food, the ability to eat thus food, family that loves me, and a husband who works hard to provide…. Rejoice! We have much to find joy in.

I didn’t intend for this to be some epic article. I hope these things encourage you to fight the fog of seasonal depression. How do you fight the fog this time of year? Struggle with anxiety? Here is a list of my favorite encouraging verses for anxiety.

How are you choosing to rejoice in the Lord today? Please share below!


2 Responses

  1. Such a wonderfully practical post, Misty! Keeping the H2O intake up in the fall/ winter is a challenge when there are so many warm, comforting drinks calling my name, but you are right—I need to be intentional! And taking time each day to “rejoice” and count my blessings is huge. Love all these tips— thanks for sharing! 😊

    1. Thank you so much! It is definitely harder to drink water in the cooler months! I can relate to loving all those yummy comforting drinks <3 thanks for stopping by!