Hi! I’m Misty.

The face behind Just Our Backyard.

A blog showcasing this messy thing I call life. I’m here because I hope that sharing life with you all will inspire and encourage you to live your best, most intentional life. I’m right in the midst of learning to slow down, embrace the messy memories, and be diligent with this life I’ve been given. It’s definitely not easy, but it’s a lot more fun when you know you’re not doing it alone. So let’s do it, together!

In a nutshell – I’m a Believer, wife, and mom to 3 (ages 10 to 5) – oh and I homeschool these little people…

Both Images By: Studio Amy Luna

I took up gardening, homesteading, and “simple living” at a pretty gloomy time in my life – for my own sanity – a therapy of sorts. It turned into much more than I could have ever imagined.

and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you – 1 Thessalonians 4:11

This verse has become my “life verse” for this season. To lead a quiet life. No more pursuing fame, career, value, validation. No comparison, fear (always working on this one), self-condemnation.

Learning to be intentional for me has meant simplifying my life. Embracing from-scratch cooking, growing (some of) our food, learning new skills and in the midst of all of this, homeschooling my little people (deep breath), but above all abiding in the Vine. Moment by moment, step by step, in the anxiety and dark days, finding joy in the journey.

I am continually learning how to do this thing. In fact, I wasn’t raised doing ANY of this. Every skill has been learned from a book, television or YouTube haha! (Martha Stewart anyone?)

Writing here for you all is a documentation and accountability of sorts and I hope you’ll stick around!

Read more about Why I Started Blogging Here.

(Updated 9-5-2018)