
I’m glad you’re here. This blog has {honestly} been on my heart for YEAARRSSS. Like 6 or 7 years. I had a blog back in the day but it quickly fell by the wayside when life and more important things took precedence. You see, it was my attempt at a DIY blog. Yikes. While I am known for getting my hands dirty and being able to DIY quite a bit, there was NO WAY I could keep up content of that niche with two little ones under 3 and a hubby that was pursuing an engineering degree full time (and working full time). I thought it would be fun, I thought I would make a little bit of money in the mean time… NOT. I could only sand, paint, redo, undo so many projects {insert laughing emoji}

I actually began this blog over a year ago. (It started with  Instagram).

I even had a few posts saved and ready to publish… But, the time just was never right. I was struggling with my health, my purpose, my faith, my family, as well as knee deep in an AMAZING ministry leadership position that the Lord had called me to…. oh and homeschooling two boys plus trying to survive a 3 year old daughter. Fast forward to today. There has been a bit of pruning in my life (more about that in another post I’m sure), groundbreaking life/perspective changes, new depths in faith and well, choices to just trust the journey.

just our backyard why i started an intentional living lifestyle blog about growing food family and faith

Why the name “Just Our Backyard”? Well, the word “Just” is a bit significant. I’m sure you’ve heard the term “just a mom”, well, I’m ok with that. I am “just” another momma, we’re “just” another family, nobody famous or fancy, “just” doing life like you. But I’m learning to be more simple and intentional. Just slowing down and learning to pursue (sometimes painstakingly) what’s truly important for me… my Jesus and my people.

A big part of that has become homesteading or backyard farming/gardening. I started that like I start most things, just to see if I could do it. Well, it’s actually stuck and become a huge blessing in my life, a therapy. It’s something my children and I can do together and allows me to pursue a more meaningful, slow, intentional life. I think it’s pretty awesome to grow something you can eat! Plus, I’m learning skills I wasn’t raised with and teaching them to my children.

For us, life and memories happen in “our backyard” not somewhere pivotal or some grand family vacation (haven’t been able to make one of those happen yet!)… in our own backyard. Our backyard (literally) has changed since I first dreamed of starting this blog. You’ll read about that too at some point, but the pursuit hasn’t changed. Finding joy in the journey, leading a quiet life, working with my hands, and watching beauty and life emerge from the dirt… literally and figuratively.

My heart is to share this journey with you all. Let’s encourage and inspire one another. Share the pretty and the not so pretty.

Today marks day one of my being intentional about this “blog” thing.

I hope you’ll come along.