backyard kitchen garden update
Well, this gardening year hasn’t exactly gone the way I planned (hello unplanned house purchase and move), buuuutt nevertheless we’ve had some pretty good harvests in our backyard garden – Which is super important when you’re trying to grow your own food. Ahem.
We’re maybe 4-5 weeks away from our first freeze so things are starting to wind down a bit. The summer heat, humidity and pest pressure has visibly taken its toll, especially on my tomatoes. I’ve pulled up two plants that just we’re dying and not producing well. I don’t know if it was blight or just the struggles with this variety I’ve had ongoing this year along with new soil, pests, and microclimate. There are just a lot of variables.


our backyard vegetable garden update early september golden hour

Current view of (almost) the entire garden.

our backyard vegetable garden update early september tomatoes

our backyard vegetable garden update early september yellow squash

The yellow squash has been heavily producing for quite a while. I couldn’t be more pleased and in all honesty a tad sick of it.


our backyard vegetable garden update early september green chili

Some green chili plants in the backyard garden that we planted pretty late in the season. We still haven’t harvested yet!

our backyard vegetable garden update early september zucchini

Insanely large summer squash. Yellow and zucchini are intermingled some.

our backyard vegetable garden update early september tomato plant

“Calvin” in the vegetable bed. He’s tucked in amidst okra, green beans, tomatoes, jalapeños and green chili plants. He’s a cute barn cat but he’s been trying to do his business in the garden beds… yuck. The hose helps keep him at bay.


our backyard vegetable garden update early september campari tomatoour backyard vegetable garden update early september vine ripened tomatoes

Tomatoes have to be one of my favorite things to grow. There is nothing better than one fresh off the vine. They’re a bit beat up from flea beetle damage, heat and what may be blight but still producing well.

our backyard vegetable garden update early september pumpkin


This is the first year we planted pumpkins in our backyard garden. I planted late but we still have a few on the vine that’ll be ready just in time for Fall. I’m pretty sure this one is a zucchini/pumpkin cross but I’m ok with that! The other two are still babies (about the size of a baseball).


our backyard vegetable garden update early september apple tree

Above is our misfit apple tree. That in itself is a whole story. Coming soon.

our backyard vegetable garden update early september whole garden

This one hill of Bush cucumbers  (bottom left of this image) has done great as well. It’s left me wondering what in the world will I do with them all. What do you do with your excess cucumbers? I also planted some other ones later (a climbing variety) and they’re trellising and starting to flower. (right middle of image below)

our backyard vegetable garden update early september cucumbers


What’s going on in your garden right now?