I am not the best housekeeper… that’s really no secret. BUT one of the things I really wanted to prioritize was deep cleaning on a more regular basis because there is nothing beautiful about a nasty dirty home. The problem is I wasn’t sure how I could have a clean home and minimize toxins. I was always taught that soft scrub was the best thing to clean my sinks and tubs with… but yikes. How do I clean a sink without chemicals? I needed to figure out a DIY bathroom sink cleaner. A natural soft scrub recipe. Something that was safe but effective.

Scrubbing Your Sink. The most effective way to get it clean!

Did you know that your sink is the #2 germiest place in your home according to CBS? Yuck right? With all the fun viruses going around in this day and age, that is something I definitely want to address with the deep cleaning. So, in my quest to find effective yet safe cleaners (and DIY is always a bonus), I wanted to start with effectively cleaning the sinks in my home.

Are you looking for a natural sink cleaner or simple sink cleaning hacks? Look no further! With only 3 simple ingredients, this is one of the easiest homemade cleaning products to make. This do it yourself soft scrub tubscrub is made with essential oils and baking soda and is great for your non-toxic home. Natural cleaning products are popular but can be expensive. Did you know it’s actually quite cheap to DIY your all natural cleaning recipes?

Why natural soft scrub?

What is soft scrub?

Soft scrub is an all-purpose surface cleaner. There are a few different varieties (think bleach, lemon, etc.). Basically it’s a creamy textured cleaner that can be used in kitchens and bathrooms. It’s creamy texture makes it ideal to scrub and exfoliate away grease and grime in these high-use areas.

Soft scrub (the brand name cleaner) works great but isn’t non-toxic AT ALL

I want to keep my family and children’s safe. Minimizing toxins exposures that are in my control is one of the easiest ways to do that. Obviously, it’s a balance… I couldn’t possibly swap out EVERY SINGLE toxin in my home, but household cleaners are one of the worst toxin filled products so I’ll start there. This article was a wealth of information with regard to toxins in cleaning products

Using some of nature’s Most effective ingredients in my bathroom sink cleaner: 

3 Simple and effective ingredients.

Do keep in mind that essential oils are powerfully concentrated elements. Anything natural in improper amounts can be toxic to children or pets, so I definitely recommend researching the safety of the oils you want to use in your DIY bathroom sink cleaner. 

Also, make sure this cleaner is used under adult supervision… and don’t add  vinegar to this and store away. If you remember that fun volcano experiment you’ll know why!

Soft scrub alternative: a DIY bathroom sink cleaner made with 3 ingredients. 

This cleaner is a multi-purpose cleaner! It’s not only for bathroom sinks. As you can imagine I use it all over my home.

I’ve tried this in these locations:

I recommend testing it out on your various surfaces as baking soda shouldn’t be used on some. Baking soda is abrasive and can scratch aluminum cookware, silver pieces, gold pieces, and marble/quartz, and some say glass or ceramic cooktops. 

I don’t know about you, but I love a clean pretty home… But not at the expense of the health of my family. My kids can help me clean with products like this, and even make this cleaner under my supervision. I

DIY Bathroom Sink Cleaner | Natural Soft scrub

Use this natural 3-ingredient cleaner as a safer alternative to soft scrub. Perfect for shining your sinks and tubs.
Cook Time5 minutes


  • Small Jar (4 oz. jelly jar works great)


  • 1/3 Cup Baking Soda
  • 20 drops Essential Oils * Lemon, Orange, Tea Tree (Melaluca)
  • 4-5 tsp Concentrated Household Cleaner **


  • Add Baking Soda to a small canning jar (I use 4 oz jelly jars).
  • Add Essential Oils to Baking Soda and mix with a fork until well incorporated.
  • Slowly add Concentrated Household Cleaner to ingredients in the jar mixing as you go.


To use, simply add a dollop to the area you’d like to clean. Add a little bit of water to create a sudsy paste and scrub away. Rinse with hot water and admire the shine!
*You can mix it up! You can use 20 drops of lemon or do 10 lemon and 10 tea tree. 
** The amount of household cleaner you use will depend on the initial consistency of the cleaner as well as the desired consistency of your final product.
I use Thieves Household Cleaner by Young Living which has a more liquid consistency than soap. If using a soap product like Castile soap, you can add a little bit of water  create a creamy consistency. 

It is possible to deep clean your home with natural cleaners.

This natural soft scrub recipe fit my needs perfectly and was EASY to make. It took only three simple ingredients… All of which I have around my home. I hope you can use this recipe to swap out some toxic cleansers and still benefit from a beautiful, clean home… Starting with one of the dirtiest places in your home, your sink! 

It really is about stewardship with me… and I wasn’t doing the best job nor was I teaching the kids to be good stewards of their spaces (ahem cleaning them). Since having kids, I’m also a lot more passionate about using natural products when I can and swapping out toxic products for less or non-toxic ones. 

It’s incredibly simple to use.

Let me know what you think in the comments! Where did you use this DIY natural cleaner!?