encouraging scriptures for moms

It’s one of those days… You know, the ones where you just feel beat up from fighting the good fight all.day.long. and all you want to do is declare, “cereal for dinner”, crawl in your bed and start afresh tomorrow?
Well, today was “one of those days” for me! It’s funny how the Lord works. When I started writing this post a few days ago, everything was great. Therefore, I should have known a day like today would come and that I would need this list of encouraging bible verses right? Days like today also trigger my anxiety… I’m one hot mess for sure! You can read my post about my favorite bible verses for anxiety here.

For one thing, I’m so thankful for His grace and help. Thankful that God’s word has all the practical advice we need to be uplifted and encouraged. How wonderful it was to open up this post and be reminded and encouraged by my Heavenly Father. He knew beforehand that I’d have a day like today and that a post like this one would help me clear my junk thoughts and press into him.

The bible has a lot to say about the struggles we face as women and as Believers in general. What a blessing! Nowhere in His word are we promised a beautiful, mess-free life. God didn’t leave us to wallow in our own fears, faults and failures, though. As you’re going through these verses, there is no doubt that some will jump out to you. This is the Holy Spirit meeting you right where you’re at! Don’t miss it! Get some index cards (I love the neon ones!) and scribble a few of the verses below on them. Post them around where you will see them frequently and be encouraged! I love these neon index card packs on Amazon

Sister, take heart, you’re a beloved daughter of the most High King! My prayer is that these encouraging bible verses will uplift and meet you right where you’re at today and that His Spirit will make these truths known to the deepest parts of your being.


Encouraging Bible Verses for Hard Days

…”These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he isa new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

Romans 9:25

As He says also in Hosea,“I will call those who were not My people, ‘My people,’ And her who was not beloved, ‘beloved.’”


In case you’re wondering, most of these are from the NASB version <3 it’s my fave.

We are beloved. How wonderful. I hope these encouraging bible verses resonated with you today. Deep breath, tomorrow is a new day.

How can I be praying for you? Please let me know!

Encouraging Bible Verses for women today